Resources and Articles for Helping Professionals

PFA (Psychological First Aid) Mobile App

Following disasters or emergencies, the PFA Mobile app can assist responders who provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to adults, families, and children. Materials in PFA Mobile are adapted from the Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (2nd Edition). 

Early Intervention Following Disasters: Principles of Psychological and Stress First Aid (Webinar)

Written and presented by Patricia Watson, Ph.D., National Center for PTSD 

Stewart, J. (2011). Agency and empowerment under unlikely conditions: Exploring how wartime displacement can promote community development. Humanity & Society, 35(3), 233-260.

Rahgozar, S., & Giménez-Llort, L. (2020). Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy to Improve Mental Health of Immigrant Populations in the Third Millennium. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 451.

Pahlijna, C. (2015). Logotherapy in Telephone Counseling. IFOTES (Int. Federation of Telephone Counseling) 

Schulenberg, S. E., Hutzell, R. R., Nassif, C., & Rogina, J. M. (2008). Logotherapy for clinical practice. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45(4), 447.

Eiroá Orosa, F. J., Brune, M., Huter, K., Fischer-Ortman, J., & Haasen, C. (2011). Belief systems as coping factors in traumatized refugees: A prospective study. Traumatology, 17(1), 1-7.

Southwick, S. M., Gilmartin, R., McDonough, P., & Morrissey, P. (2006). Logotherapy as an adjunctive treatment for chronic combat-related PTSD: A meaning-based intervention. American journal of psychotherapy, 60(2), 161-174. 

Tay, A. K., Miah, M. A. A., Khan, S., Badrudduza, M., Alam, R., Balasundaram, S., ... & Silove, D. (2019). Implementing Integrative Adapt Therapy with Rohingya refugees in Malaysia: a training-implementation model involving lay counsellors. Intervention, 17(2), 267. 

Smith, A. (2012). Innovative applications of logotherapy for military-related PTSD. In Paper based on program presented. ACA Conference, San Fransisco

Algado, S. S., Gregori, J. M. R., & Egan, M. (1997). Spirituality in a refugee camp. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(3), 138-145.

Aladwan, F., Alzaben, M., AlMahaireh, A. S., & Sulaiman, M. (2021). The Meaning of Life and its Relations with Unhealthy Behaviors among Syrian Adolescent Refugees Enrolled in Public Schools in Jordan. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 12(4), 384-404.

Popa, A. B. (2012). Learning about hardiness and servant leadership by accompanying refugees at a united nations resettlement camp. Journal of Leadership Studies, 6(1), 72-78.

Surcamp, J. R. (2015). Applied Logotherapy for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress disorder in men and women United States Army veterans. 

Kleber, R. J. (2019). Trauma and public mental health: A focused review. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 451.

Ikiugu, M. N. (2015). Meaning-making through occupational performance: occupational scientists/therapists’ role in guiding society towards meaningfulness, purposefulness, and happiness. In A Key-Note paper presented at: The 2012 Conference of the South African Occupational Therapy Association, Durban, South Africa.

Velički, V. & Raguž, M. (2021). Children after Trauma – Logotherapeutic Approach.

Purjo, T. (2021). Critical Need for the Defiant Power of the Human Spirit. Keynote paper presented at 5th International Congress of Logotherapy and Thanatology: Global actions towards meaning. August 6, 2021; Lima, Peru.

Brymer, Layne, Vernberg, Steinberg, Watson, Jacobs, Ruzek, & Pynoos (2009). Innovations in Disaster Mental Health: Psychological First Aid